Types Of Implants
There are 2 main types of implants that are most commonly used. The mini implant and the regular or conventional implant.
Mini implants are one piece and about the thickness of a toothpick whereas regular implants are 3.4 to 5.8 mm in diameter and come in 2 pieces. Mini implants are often used for snap in dentures or implant supported dentures, but should NEVER be used for permanent bridges.
This illustration is of zygomatic implants. Zygomatic implants are placed into the zygomatic or cheek bone instead of into the maxilla or upper mouth. In some cases a person may not have enough bone for regular implants so this becomes the only option. Now this is usually someone that has been without teeth for an extreme amount of time so they have lost all of their regular upper bone.
This illustration shows that implants are often used to replace single missing teeth. Normally an implant is placed under the gum where it will heal for approximately 3 months. Once it heals your dentist will uncover it, place the abutment on (second part of the implant that connects to the crown) and then your crown is seated on top of that.