All on 4/ All on x
The All on 4/All on X process goes along as follows:
The snap-in denture process goes along as follows:
** As I’ve stated before, snap-in dentures can be done with either mini implants or regular implants, however, I would use regular implants if possible.
1. Just like with regular dentures you will usually start off with your extractions.
2. Some dentists will do the extractions and place implants the same day. Some will do your extractions, let you heal for a couple of months and then go back for your implant surgery.
3. The surgery for placing mini versus regular implants is basically the same as far as the patient goes. The implants are placed under the gum line and stitches are put in post-surgery.
4. If you already have dentures, you will continue to wear those for a period of 3 months until your implants heal. (Remember that during this time it is important to follow your soft diet.)
5. If you do not already have dentures then you will go through the process of having a set of immediate dentures placed for after your extractions and then surgery. ** Please see the first section under the title Regular/Partial Dentures for the immediate denture process.
6. Since the implants are underneath the gum line at this point, you should not have any trouble wearing your dentures like normal.
7. Once your implants have healed, again about 3 months, you will go back for what’s called your “uncovering”. This is wear they uncover your implants from under the gum line. Your implants are exposed and then the dentist will either put healing caps on top of the implant (usually with mini implants) or abutments (with regular implants).
Many people get scared and anxious about the uncovering process, but it really isn’t bad. It basically feels like a bad pizza burn for a couple of days.
Some tips that I would give you is to have some really cold drinks available for after the procedure. I would get the flavored Vitamin Waters and put them in the freezer until they got kind of icy and then drink those. This is what helped me get through it.
5. Once that heals you will start the process of getting your permanent teeth.
6. Now these days you can get what they call “teeth in a day”. This process involves you going in for your extractions and implants, and leaving with your teeth already screwed in. Sometimes these are only temporary teeth that you will wear for 3 months while you heal and then you’ll go back and get your permanent teeth after that period.
7. Some places even place your permanent teeth the day of surgery or the day after, but if you do go with a teeth in a day place, you MUST KNOW that you still have to follow a soft diet for the first 3 months while you heal, or you run the risk of one or all of your implants failing.
**A lot of dentists don’t tell their patients this, but I think it’s an extremely important part of the healing process.