This illustration is of a 3on6 which is a trademarked procedure invented by Dr. Randy Roberts of the Utah Smile Clinic. It consists of 6 implants on each arch with 3 permanent zirconia bridges attached to those implants. The 3on6 procedure uses the natural gum line, so the bridges are teeth only and have no artificial gum line. This procedure uses regular sized implants and is also known as an FP1 (fixed prosthetic 1).
You will notice that the bridges on the 3on6 are seated right into the gum so that there are no gaps between the implants and teeth. This makes for much easier cleaning and less time doing hygiene. Also the teeth DO NOT have to be removed to be cleaned. They should still be professionally cleaned twice a year however by a licensed 3on6 provider.
The 3on6 procedure is exclusive to providers who have been licensed to perform this procedure and is also currently only offered in the United States.
PLEASE NOTE: There are no licensed 3on6 providers in Mexico or Costa Rica! You may see places that say they offer the 3on6 procedure, but it is not the exclusive 3on6 created by Dr. Randy Roberts. And most of the time this is not what you are getting so this is a buyer beware.
This illustration is of the 4on8 which is also a trademarked procedure invented by Dr. Randy Roberts of the Utah Smile Clinic. The 4on8 is basically the same as the 3on6 with 2 extra implants on each arch and 1 extra bridge on each arch.
As of right now I believe the 4on8 is only offered in Utah at the Utah Smile Clinic.