The first best piece of advice I can give you once you get through the initial shock of being told your teeth have to come out, is to start researching. You want to find a good trustworthy dentist to go to and have a full examination. A lot of places now offer a free consultation and many even offer a free virtual consultation if you are thinking of going out of your state or country. And it’s common to go through a few consults before you find the right provider for you.

I recommend at least 2 consultations. Use the internet and social media to check reviews, and do your own research! I don’t recommend you solely rely on reviews, especially on Google because some places pay people to write good reviews for them. Also, most people only leave reviews if they aren’t happy with a place. Really the best thing you can do is talk to other patients that have gone to the place you are looking at or talk to several patients!!

Please take your time with this. We are talking about your health, life, and quality of life here!

Bottom line, if you don’t feel comfortable with a dentist, your gut tells you this is not a good idea, or you are having second thoughts, DON’T DO IT! WALK AWAY!

My next best piece of advice is to get you a solid plan in place for your restoration process. This means looking into ALL of your options. (dentures, snap in dentures, 3 on 6, 4 on 8, all on 4, or all on X)

**See the implants/prosthetics tab for some of your options for full mouth restoration.

I know at this point a lot of people get excited and start getting inpatient. You’ve lived with bad or missing teeth for so long that you are ready to dive into this head first. Some will go to one consult and book their surgery. Please, please don’t do this! I can’t tell you how many I’ve spoken to or seen over the last 7 years that didn’t take their time with this and now they regret it. They either don’t like their teeth, they don’t feel right, and the dentist flat out doesn’t care. Again, take your time with this!